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Spamer Indocpa
Feb 07, 2022
In General Discussions
Las actuales vacunas contra el covid-19 no fueron diseñadas para prevenir la transmisión, aunque también tiene un efecto sobre esta, sino para evitar la enfermedad grave y la muerte, objetivos para los que siguen siendo efectivas. Las inmunólogas Carmen Álvarez, de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) y África González, de la Universidad de Vigo, aclaran a Efe algunas dudas que pueden surgir sobre la efectividad de las vacunas contra el coronavirus. ¿A qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de la efectividad de las vacunas? Efectividad indica protección frente a muertes y enfermedad grave, pero no evitan los contagios, "sobre todo ante la variante delta que es tan contagiosa. Podemos contagiarnos, pero de forma asintomática o mucho más leve", explica González. Un niño con mascarilla en el Colegio Privado Alameda de Osuna en el primer día del curso escolar 2020-2021 en Madrid, el 7 de septiembre de 2020. Coronavirus: pandemia, vacuna y restricciones en Catalunya y otras comunidades | Noticias y última hora del covid en directo Las vacunas se diseñaron -recuerda Álvarez- para prevenir la enfermedad grave y la muerte y, cuando se tiene la pauta completa, están siendo efectivas en el porcentaje que se dijo, que depende de cada vacuna (las de Pfizer, Moderna o Astrazeneca superior al 90 % de eficacia) porque "nunca nada es cien por cien". ¿Entonces, en algunos países con altas tasas de vacunación, por ejemplo Israel, por qué aumentan las hospitalizaciones? Hay varios factores, "pero el más importante seguramente, ha sido la aparición de la variante delta, mucho más contagiosa, que ha hecho que personas ya vacunadas volvieran a infectarse", indica González. También hay personas que no se vacunaron o en las que no fue totalmente eficaz y, además -agrega-, se produce una disminución de la protección pasado un tiempo, sobre todo en personas mayores. Álvarez recuerda que no hay ninguna vacuna eficaz al cien por cien. "En el caso de que lo sea al 95 % eso te deja un 5 %, el cual, si ahora el virus es más transmisible por la variante Delta, hace que haya más gente que se infecte", lo que no significa que si tienen que ser hospitalizados acaben en la UCI. ¿En qué medida sirven las vacunas para evitar la transmisión? Además de la efectividad contra la enfermedad grave y la muerte, otra cosa es si las vacunas podían servir también para evitar la transmisión, pero como no estaban diseñadas para eso, en un principio no se sabía, dice Álvarez. Con las primeras variantes del virus, Alfa y Beta, "funcionaron muy bien" para evitar la transmisión, pero con la delta "parece que no está funcionando tan bien". Eso no es efectividad, sino porcentaje de transmisión "y eso es lo que puede que sí que esté fallando". Lo que sí ha cambiado con Delta es la cantidad de personas que tienen que estar vacunadas para "lograr una muy buena inmunidad de grupo", que ya no es de un 70 %, "ahora hay que llegar al 90 % de la población vacunada, con esta variante tan transmisible". vacunaConcluida (al menos la primera fase) la evacuación de Afganistán, el Gobierno retoma su agenda. Pedro Sánchez dará arranque oficial al curso político el próximo miércoles, 1 de septiembre, en la Casa de América de Madrid, como adelantan fuentes del Ejecutivo a este diario. Será en un acto en el que estará rodeado de miembros de su Gabinete, de empresarios y de miembros de la cultura y la sociedad civil, y en el que protagonizará un discurso "importante". "Servirá para marcar prioridades, para fijar el marco político del Gobierno para el próximo año y orientar la nueva fase de la recuperación tras la pandemia. Entramos en un nuevo tiempo para la segunda parte de la legislatura y trabajamos para consolidar la buena marcha de la economía", apuntan desde la Moncloa. El presidente regresa a un formato con el que se siente cómodo y en el que su nuevo equipo deberá decidir si mantiene la estética que era tan explotada por el defenestrado Iván Redondo (amante del boato y el marketing) o bien apostar por un cambio también en las formas.
Spamer Indocpa
Dec 13, 2021
In General Discussions
The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provide a substantial infusion of resources to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. FUNDING OBJECTIVES Treasury is launching this much-needed relief to: Support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control Replace lost revenue for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs Support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the inequal impact of the pandemic The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provide substantial flexibility for each government to meet local needs—including support for households, small businesses, impacted industries, essential workers, and the communities hardest hit by the crisis. These funds can also be used to make necessary investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. Concurrent with this program launch, Treasury has published an Interim Final Rule that implements the provisions of this program. Read more information on the process for finalizing the interim final rule. HOW TO REQUEST FUNDING Eligible state, territorial, metropolitan city, county, and Tribal governments may now request their allocation of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds through the Treasury Submission Portal. REQUEST FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS FUNDING AMOUNTS Congress has allocated Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to tens of thousands of eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. These allocations include: Non-Entitlement Units The Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund will provide $19.53 billion to support non-entitlement units of local government (NEUs), which are local governments typically serving a population under 50,000. Treasury expects to make payments to states and territories, which will distribute amounts to eligible NEUs in their jurisdiction in accordance with the guidelines established by Treasury. Additional Information on Non-entitlement Units Tribal Governments The Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund will provide $20 billion to support Tribal governments. Additional Information for Tribal Governments To protect the privacy of Tribal government information, each Tribal government will receive its allocation amount after submitting its request for funding in the Treasury Submission Portal. TRANCHING OF FUNDS Local governments will receive funds in two tranches, with 50% provided beginning in May 2021 and the balance delivered approximately 12 months later. States that have experienced a net increase in the unemployment rate of more than 2 percentage points from February 2020 to the latest available data as of the date of certification will receive their full allocation of funds in a single payment; other states will receive funds in two equal tranches. Governments of U.S. territories will receive a single payment. Tribal governments will receive two payments, with the first payment available in May and the second payment, based on employment data, to be delivered in June 2021. More detailed information about funding amounts can be found in the allocation tables above. Additional Information on Split Payments to State Governments USE OF FUNDS The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provide eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments with a substantial infusion of resources to meet pandemic response needs and rebuild a stronger, and more equitable economy as the country recovers. Recipients may use these funds to: Support public health expenditures, by, for example, funding COVID-19 mitigation efforts, medical expenses, behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency, including economic harms to workers, households, small businesses, impacted industries, and the public sector Replace lost public sector revenue, using this funding to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic Provide premium pay for essential workers, offering additional support to those who have and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical
Spamer Indocpa
Dec 12, 2021
In General Discussions
Initially, the experiment was a bust. The patients Wang tested had antibodies only against the older version of SARS. But as a number of Covid variants began spreading early this year, he decided to test the patients again. By this point, many of the Singaporean SARS survivors had also been vaccinated against Covid, providing a rare set of immune systems that had been exposed to proteins from these related coronaviruses. relates to The Hunt for a Single Shot to Defeat Omicron and All Coronaviruses Wang at his office in Singapore.PHOTOGRAPHER: JULIANA TAN FOR BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK What Wang found astonished him. After getting the Covid shot, the SARS patients had developed something akin to super-antibodies, which blocked both SARS viruses and a multitude of other coronaviruses. All eight patients had antibodies that, in test-tube experiments, neutralized five different bat and pangolin coronavirus strains that had never infected humans. The results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August, offered one of the strongest bodies of evidence that a universal coronavirus vaccine is possible. The need is growing—as public health officials know all too well, three new coronavirus diseases have emerged in just 20 years: first SARS, then MERS in 2012, and now Covid. At his 13th-floor lab a few kilometers from Singapore’s central business district, Wang is working on a prototype vaccine that could generate the same type of wide-ranging immune response he saw in the Covid-vaccinated SARS survivors. His regimen combines a first shot containing the Covid spike protein with a second shot containing a hybrid SARS protein. If it works—Wang says experiments in mice are promising—the vaccine could be deployed in the event of a Covid-26 or a SARS-3. “We want something that is broadly protective, so that when the next one jumps from animals to humans, we already have a vaccine in hand,” says Melanie Saville, head of vaccine research and development at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a global nonprofit based in Oslo. CEPI plans to spend $200 million to develop broad-acting coronavirus vaccines over the next five years. One of its first grants under the program was awarded in November to Israel’s MigVax Ltd., a crowdfunded startup working on a “variant-proof” Covid vaccine in tablet form. Important questions remain unanswered, such as which parts of the virus to target, which technology works best, and how broad-acting the shots should be. Pfizer Inc., Moderna Inc., and many other major Covid vaccine companies aren’t investing heavily so far, instead waiting as the academic research plays out. Mikael Dolsten, chief scientific officer of Pfizer—which is researching an omicron booster and is developing ones for the beta and delta variants with its mRNA vaccine partner, BioNTech SE—says that, given that existing vaccines work and that mRNA shots can be quickly updated, it could be “a dangerous game” to switch tracks to a pancoronavirus shot. “We are following it, but it’s more of an academic approach at the moment,” Dolsten says. “I would say stay with what works.” He posits, too, that waning effectiveness of vaccines over time could turn out to be a bigger problem than variants, something universal shots wouldn’t necessarily solve. Stéphane Bancel, chief executive officer of Moderna, which is also developing mRNA boosters against the beta, delta, and omicron variants, calls universal vaccines “a good idea” and says he’d be happy to strike partnerships to develop them when viable options emerge. But he cautions that researchers have been working on universal flu vaccines for years without a breakthrough. It’s true that scientists have long dreamed of developing a vaccine that would eliminate the need for an annual flu shot. There’s been no breakthrough, though several trials are under way. The difficulty has been the pace of mutation: Influenza evolves rapidly. The speed at which coronaviruses evolve is intensely debated, but the case for broad-acting shots is nonetheless compelling, given the promising results from early attempts, the increasing frequency with which coronaviruses have been crossing over from other species, and the staggering human and financial costs of Covid. “It would be crazy not to do something,” says Pamela Bjorkman, a structural biologist at the California Institute of Technology who’s working on a universal vaccine. “For the world to act like ‘Wow, we have solved this’ is really shortsighted.” The history of flu vaccines offers an object lesson. Early shots were pioneered in the 1940s by University of Michigan virologist Thomas Francis with help from the U.S. Army, which was worried about an epidemic ravaging troops in crowded barracks. Francis and his protégé, Jonas Salk, grew the vaccine in fertilized chicken eggs, a method still in wide use today. The first shots showed strong efficacy in many studies. One influenza B shot given to troops receiving specialized training at the university in 1945 proved 88% effective, not far from the 90%-plus efficacy reported for the mRNA Covid shots. The researchers quickly realized that strains could evolve from year to year, resulting in a mismatch between vaccine and virus. But they were optimistic it would be manageable. “The outlook for increasingly broad and effective prophylactic immunization against the range of influenza viruses is extremely promising,” Francis concluded in a 1953 publication. The early flu shots contained two viral strains, then three in the 1970s, and finally four in the past decade. Research focused heavily on attacking the most abundant protein found on a virus’s surface, hemagglutinin, with flu shots selected each year based on their ability to generate antibodies against it. But for much of the vaccine’s history, doctors couldn’t accurately measure how shots were performing in the real world. After modern viral load tests—the same kind of PCR tests used to definitively diagnose Covid today—started being used in the 1990s, enabling researchers to study real-world flu vaccine performance more carefully, it slowly became clear that the results varied widely and topped out at middling. Since 2004, even as more of the U.S. population has been getting vaccinated annually in keeping with expanded government recommendations, the shot’s real-world effectiveness has ranged between only 10% and 60%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most years, it’s around 40% to 50%.
Spamer Indocpa
Dec 03, 2021
In General Discussions
As of 10 November 2021, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has reported 4.249.323 persons with confirmed COVID-19. There have been 143.592 deaths related to COVID-19 reported and 4.096.194 patients have recovered from the disease. WHO is working with the Indonesian Government to monitor the situation and prevent further spread of disease. This page shares information on coronavirus disease and advice for the public on how to keep healthy and prevent the spread of illness in Indonesia. The Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Republic of Indonesia has taken actions to enhance response efforts for COVID-19 in Indonesia, referring to WHO interim guidance on the novel coronavirus. Please see the links below for MoH COVID-19 related information. → Visit Government COVID-19 website → Read MOH press releases Latest country situation updates All → Situation Report 10 November 2021 Ikhtisar Kegiatan 4 Oktober 2021 Visit WHO website Learn more about the global coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) Update on WHO approval process for COVID-19 vaccines (EN) - 21 Dec 2020 Perkembangan terbaru proses persetujuan WHO tentang vaksin COVID-19 (ID) - 21 Des 2020 Perkembangan terbaru proses persetujuan WHO tentang vaksin COVID-19 (ID) - 11 Des 2020 First ever vaccine listed under WHO emergency use Start the conversation COVID-19 advice for healthcare workers Technical guidelines, online courses and more SCAM ALERT WHO is aware of suspicious activity attempting to take advantage of the COVID-19 emergency through fraudulent email and WhatsApp messages that attempt to trick you into clicking on malicious links or opening attachments. If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be WHO, verify their authenticity before responding. Learn more about cyber security
Spamer Indocpa
Dec 03, 2021
In General Discussions
Here's a summary of what happened on Friday: The Northern Territory recorded its first death related to COVID-19: A 78-year-old elder from the small community of Binjari Queensland announced a new local case late in the day, along with six in quarantine South Australia and the ACT each reported four new cases NSW recorded 337 new cases with three new Omicron, and zero deaths Victoria recorded 1,188 new cases and 11 deaths The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation has not changed its advice that Australians get a booster shot six months after their second dose of any COVID vaccine South African health experts say Omicron is highly transmissible and replacing Delta, but there is no real evidence of an increase in severity Tasmania announced new rules for entering Tasmania after December 15 Live updates 6h ago6 hours ago By Jonathan Hepburn And that's us for today, so good bye and good night Well, that was a slow one, and no mistake. But the pandemic keeps on ticking on, so take care of yourselves, wash your hands and don't take your health for granted. This blog (not this exact one, but a blog) will return tomorrow morning, so tune in for more news then or keep an eye on for more tonight and every night. Until next time: Good night. Share post 6h ago6 hours ago By Jonathan Hepburn ACT confirms new Omicron case ACT Health has confirmed an Omicron COVID-19 infection in the territory – an individual who has not travelled overseas. The person is fully vaccinated and returned a positive COVID-19 test result on Wednesday, December 1. Following genome sequencing, the case was today confirmed as the Omicron variant. It is not yet known if this case was acquired in the ACT or NSW. Update: Read the story, which will be updated, here. Share post 6h ago6 hours ago By Jonathan Hepburn NSW confirms two more cases of Omicron at Regents Park Christian School NSW Health is investigating an outbreak of COVID-19 cases at Regents Park Christian School in western Sydney. There is now a total of 13 COVID-19 cases linked to this cluster. One case had already been confirmed as being the Omicron COVID-19 variant of concern. Genomic sequencing has confirmed two more cases are also the Omicron variant. Urgent genome testing is underway on a further 10 cases. NSW Health is urgently investigating the source of infection for this cluster. Two more cases of Omicron have been confirmed in returned travellers, the family members of a young girl announced yesterday. The family is isolating in Special Health Accommodation. Share post 7h ago7 hours ago By Jonathan Hepburn Binjari woman's death mourned Earlier today, it was announced that a 78-year-old woman from Binjari had died with COVID-19, the Northern Territory's first death related to the pandemic. Aboriginal groups and community leaders have paid their respects to the close-knit community of about 200 people. Read the full story here. Share post 7h ago7 hours ago By Jonathan Hepburn Can you visit religious gatherings in Queensland while unvaccinated? Hi! In QLD, after Dec 17, what is the rule regarding attending religious gatherings (indoors) for people who are unvaccinated? I looked on the QLD Health website but couldn't find anything relevant. Thank you. -KM The key words to search for are "places of worship" and the page you want is right here: Queensland’s Public Health Measures linked to vaccination status Under the plan, unvaccinated people are able to: Access other settings, such as essential retail, other retail, public transport, places of worship, funerals etc. COVID-19 density restrictions may still apply, as per Queensland’s current COVID Safe Future Roadmap. Share post 8h ago8 hours ago By Jonathan Hepburn New case in Queensland, linked to Capalaba exposure sites A new community case has been confirmed in Queensland. A public health alert is being issued for contact tracing locations in Capalaba, in the city of Redland, on Brisbane's bayside. This is in relation to a new case. Contact tracing and investigation is underway, with more details to be released once available tomorrow. The exposure sites are for Monday, November 29 and Tuesday, November 30. ⚠️ Public Health Alert ⚠️ New contact tracing locations in: 📍Capalaba Full details: — Queensland Health (@qldhealth) December 3, 2021
Spamer Indocpa
Nov 30, 2021
In General Discussions
US President Joe Biden has called the Omicron Covid-19 variant a "cause for concern, not a cause for panic" a day after it was detected in North America. He said he saw no need for a new lockdown "for now... if people are vaccinated and wear their masks". Cases have been found in Canada, and the US has imposed travel bans on eight southern African countries. Mr Biden added that pharmaceutical companies were making contingency plans for new jabs if they are needed. At the White House on Monday, the president said it was "almost inevitable" that Omicron, first reported by South Africa, would be found in the US eventually. "We're going to fight and beat this new variant," he said. How do you detect Omicron? How worrying is the new Covid variant? Late last week, the US announced restrictions on travellers from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi. Canada, the UK and the EU and other countries have also restricted travel from southern Africa. On Sunday, Canada said the Omicron variant had been discovered in two patients who had recently travelled to Nigeria. A third case was announced on Monday. Mr Biden said the travel ban had bought some time for the US to study the new variant. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed Omicron a "variant of concern", it is still not clear whether it is associated with more transmission or more risk of evading vaccines. Critics noted that Mr Biden accused former President Donald Trump of "hysterical xenophobia" after he limited travel from China in January 2020 as the coronavirus spread in the US. Media caption, Omicron is 'very likely' already here in the US Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dismissed the latest flight restrictions as a "knee-jerk reaction". The state has taken steps to ban Covid-19 vaccine and mask mandates in recent months. "In Florida, we will not let them lock you down," Mr DeSantis said. "We will not let them take your job. We will not let them harm your businesses. We will not let them close your schools." While Mr Biden once again urged Americans on Monday to wear masks, he has come under fire for flouting his own rules. He was pictured without a mask covering his face over the Thanksgiving weekend where he stayed in Nantucket, Massachusetts - at one point inside a shop that had a sign on the window requiring customers to wear face coverings. First Lady Jill Biden was also criticised on Monday as she appeared in the White House without a mask, reading to a group of schoolchildren who were all masked and socially distanced. Mrs Biden was unmasked while reading to school pupils at the White House IMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGES Image caption, Mrs Biden was unmasked while reading to school pupils at the White House Earlier on Monday, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a coronavirus vaccine mandate on thousands of healthcare workers in 10 states. The judge wrote that government officials had likely overstepped their legal powers. Another court earlier this month put a hold on a separate rule requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers get vaccinated.
Spamer Indocpa
Nov 29, 2021
In General Discussions
We have a look at how many Ballon d’Or both the players have won and in which year, scoring how many goals. Both the players have had an exceptional careers scoring so many goals and setting many records on their way to becoming the greatest ever. Ballon d’Or Lionel Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo goals and awards comparison Lionel Messi 34-year-old Argentine forward Lionel Messi just silenced his critics who always said that he has not won anything major with his country. He guided Argentina to Copa America glory and has proved to the world that he is the Greatest player of all time. Ballon d’Or-(2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019) Lionel Messi has won the Ballon d’Or for a record 6 times a feat, no other player has been able to achieve in his footballing career, not even Cristiano Ronaldo can get near him. He won his first Ballon d’Or when he was 22 years old scoring 47 goals in 53 appearances in all competitions for Barcelona in 2009. Advertisement Messi started dominating the football world after that winning three more consecutive Ballon d’Or for his wonderful performances for both club and country. In those 3 seasons, he scored a total of 186 goals for Barcelona in just 165 appearances in all competitions. In 2015, Barcelona and Lionel Messi won the treble again in which Messi contributed 58 goals in 57 appearances in all competitions securing his fifth Ballon d’Or after a wonderful season. His final Ballon d’Or came in 2019 where he finished above Dutch defender Van Djik and Cristiano Ronaldo who was third in the race. Time and time again he has proved that he is the greatest player of all time guiding Argentina to their fifteenth Copa America title. In 2015and 2016, they proceeded to the final, only to lose to Chile in a penalty shoot-out on both occasions, even though they have never once lost to Chile over regular time in tournament history (28 matches). Cristiano Ronaldo 36-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo has proved that he is the ultimate goal-scorer in world football with so many individual records and always striving to be better than the rest. He has established himself as one of the greatest players on this planet by scoring more than 800 goals in 1109 appearances in all competitions for club and country. Advertisement Ballon d’Or-(2008, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017) His first Ballon d’Or came in 2008 which was his final season for Manchester United in which he scored 26 goals in 53 appearances in all competitions after missing out 10 weeks due to an ankle injury. He subsequently became United’s first Ballon d’Or winner since George Best in 1968, and the first Premier League player to be named the FIFA World Player of the Year. His second Ballon d’Or had to wait for a few years as Messi was at a peak of his career and made life very difficult for Ronaldo who made the move from Manchester United to Real Madrid. In 2013, he won his second Ballon d’Or scoring 51 goals in 47 appearances in all competitions. In 2014, Ronaldo received a second successive FIFA Ballon d’Or, joining Johan Cruyff, Michel Platini, and Marco van Basten as a three-time Ballon d’Or winner. He scored 61 goals in 54 appearances in all competitions for Real Madrid. 2016 was the year of Cristiano Ronaldo where he won the UEFA Champions League with Real Madrid becoming the top scorer in the competition and in the same year guided Portugal to EURO 2016 glory where he was injured in the final match of the tournament. He won his fourth Ballon d’Or that year scoring 51 goals in 48 appearances in all competitions.
Spamer Indocpa
Nov 10, 2021
In General Discussions
India registers 10,853 new cases in the last 24 hours, 0.7 per cent lower than Saturday. With fresh cases, the country's overall tally has mounted to 3,43,55,536, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare early Sunday. The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 6,546 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 862 cases, West Bengal with 670 cases, Maharashtra with 661 cases and Mizoram with 453 cases. 84.69 per cent of the new cases are reported from these five states, with Kerala alone responsible for 60.32 per cent of the new cases. As many as 526 deaths were reported in the country in the last 24 hours, increasing the total reported death count to 4,60,791. Maximum casualties were reported in Kerala (467), followed by West Bengal with 14 daily deaths. A total of 12,432 patients recovered in the last 24 hours, which brings the total recoveries to 3,37,49,900 across the country. With this, India's recovery rate now stands at 98.24 per cent. The country administered India a total of 28,40,174 doses in the last 24 hours, which brings the total tally of doses administered to 1,08,21,66,365. A total of 9,19,996 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. India registers 10,853 new cases in the last 24 hours, 0.7 per cent lower than Saturday. With fresh cases, the country's overall tally has mounted to 3,43,55,536, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare early Sunday. The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 6,546 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 862 cases, West Bengal with 670 cases, Maharashtra with 661 cases and Mizoram with 453 cases. 84.69 per cent of the new cases are reported from these five states, with Kerala alone responsible for 60.32 per cent of the new cases.
Spamer Indocpa
Nov 08, 2021
In General Discussions
India registers 10,853 new cases in the last 24 hours, 0.7 per cent lower than Saturday. With fresh cases, the country's overall tally has mounted to 3,43,55,536, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare early Sunday. The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 6,546 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 862 cases, West Bengal with 670 cases, Maharashtra with 661 cases and Mizoram with 453 cases. 84.69 per cent of the new cases are reported from these five states, with Kerala alone responsible for 60.32 per cent of the new cases. As many as 526 deaths were reported in the country in the last 24 hours, increasing the total reported death count to 4,60,791. Maximum casualties were reported in Kerala (467), followed by West Bengal with 14 daily deaths. A total of 12,432 patients recovered in the last 24 hours, which brings the total recoveries to 3,37,49,900 across the country. With this, India's recovery rate now stands at 98.24 per cent. The country administered India a total of 28,40,174 doses in the last 24 hours, which brings the total tally of doses administered to 1,08,21,66,365. A total of 9,19,996 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. India registers 10,853 new cases in the last 24 hours, 0.7 per cent lower than Saturday. With fresh cases, the country's overall tally has mounted to 3,43,55,536, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare early Sunday. The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 6,546 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 862 cases, West Bengal with 670 cases, Maharashtra with 661 cases and Mizoram with 453 cases. 84.69 per cent of the new cases are reported from these five states, with Kerala alone responsible for 60.32 per cent of the new cases. As many as 526 deaths were reported in the country in the last 24 hours, increasing the total reported death count to 4,60,791. Maximum casualties were reported in Kerala (467), followed by West Bengal with 14 daily deaths. A total of 12,432 patients recovered in the last 24 hours, which brings the total recoveries to 3,37,49,900 across the country. With this, India's recovery rate now stands at 98.24 per cent. The country administered India a total of 28,40,174 doses in the last 24 hours, which brings the total tally of doses administered to 1,08,21,66,365. A total of 9,19,996 samples were tested in the last 24 hours.
Spamer Indocpa
Nov 07, 2021
In General Discussions
India registers 10,853 new cases in the last 24 hours, 0.7 per cent lower than Saturday. With fresh cases, the country's overall tally has mounted to 3,43,55,536, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare early Sunday. The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 6,546 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 862 cases, West Bengal with 670 cases, Maharashtra with 661 cases and Mizoram with 453 cases. 84.69 per cent of the new cases are reported from these five states, with Kerala alone responsible for 60.32 per cent of the new cases. As many as 526 deaths were reported in the country in the last 24 hours, increasing the total reported death count to 4,60,791. Maximum casualties were reported in Kerala (467), followed by West Bengal with 14 daily deaths. A total of 12,432 patients recovered in the last 24 hours, which brings the total recoveries to 3,37,49,900 across the country. With this, India's recovery rate now stands at 98.24 per cent. The country administered India a total of 28,40,174 doses in the last 24 hours, which brings the total tally of doses administered to 1,08,21,66,365. A total of 9,19,996 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. India registers 10,853 new cases in the last 24 hours, 0.7 per cent lower than Saturday. With fresh cases, the country's overall tally has mounted to 3,43,55,536, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare early Sunday. The top five states which have registered maximum cases are Kerala with 6,546 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 862 cases, West Bengal with 670 cases, Maharashtra with 661 cases and Mizoram with 453 cases. 84.69 per cent of the new cases are reported from these five states, with Kerala alone responsible for 60.32 per cent of the new cases. As many as 526 deaths were reported in the country in the last 24 hours, increasing the total reported death count to 4,60,791. Maximum casualties were reported in Kerala (467), followed by West Bengal with 14 daily deaths. A total of 12,432 patients recovered in the last 24 hours, which brings the total recoveries to 3,37,49,900 across the country. With this, India's recovery rate now stands at 98.24 per cent. The country administered India a total of 28,40,174 doses in the last 24 hours, which brings the total tally of doses administered to 1,08,21,66,365. A total of 9,19,996 samples were tested in the last 24 hours.
Spamer Indocpa
Nov 03, 2021
In General Discussions
Professor Jonathan Van-Tam has warned of a "potentially problematic" Christmas due to COVID-19 and said he thinks there will be "hard months to come". England's deputy chief medical officer said the UK is at "half-time in extra time" in tackling coronavirus. "I think the final whistle in terms of - I can't predict it - but my personal view is that we've got a few more months to run, and I think we'll be in a much calmer set of waters by spring," he told BBC Breakfast. Christmas 'could be problematic' - latest COVID updates rof Van-Tam said too many people believe the pandemic is now over. "I personally feel there are some hard months to come in the winter and it is not over," he said. Asked how a Christmas lockdown can be prevented, he said: "Christmas, and indeed all of the darker winter months, are potentially going to be problematic." He said the things that "are really going to determine this" are the success of the vaccination programmes and how careful people are, particularly in the next couple of months. "I think a whole range of behaviours, including the use of face coverings, but generally the caution that people take or don't take in terms of interacting with each other - that is going to be a big determinant in what happens between now and the kind of darkest months of the winter," he said. He said it was crucial for people to take up offers of booster and flu jabs. Prof Van-Tam said infection rates are still very high at the moment - higher than in most of Europe. "It's of concern to scientists that we are running this hot this early in the autumn season," he added. While he acknowledged that hospital admissions have levelled off in the last four days, he said he was worried deaths were rising and there were signs infections were starting to "penetrate" older age groups. Follow the Daily podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker Asked about Sir Jeremy Farrar's resignation from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), he said: "I think it's very clear he felt that a lot of the information that the government need to have from scientists has now been given, and he recognised the need that he had to really re-focus on his work at the Wellcome Trust." On the subject of masks, Prof Van-Tam said they are beneficial "but they are probably most useful when used in combination with other things". He said he did not think people should wear face coverings while seated in indoor settings that involve food or drink, but recommended them for entering, leaving and moving around venues. He said in cinemas and theatres "you're not interacting with anyone in there other than the audience or the actors on the screen, you're not interacting with the audience, you are seated quite close together, and for most people there should be relatively little personal expense involved in wearing a face covering in those kinds of settings." He said it would be "very socially inhibiting" to wear masks in clubs, adding: "I think if the epidemiology gets worse in the UK that on its own would not be enough in those kinds of venues."

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