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Join date: Apr 24, 2022


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Do not overwork and take time to rest

The golden rule of preparation is not to overdo it. If you try to remember everything at once, then emotional and physical burnout can occur. The body, due to heavy loads, experiences stress and “refuses” to work in full mode. There are fears, apathy and unwillingness to do anything. This delays preparation by a few days and productivity decreases.

How to relax without harming your body:

1) take breaks between activities: have a snack, watch the news, read;

2) spend at least 15 minutes on breaks so that the brain has time to readjust to a new type of work;

3) do not fall into procrastination, it will greatly harm productivity and interfere with further preparation;

4) select one day in the week, on which you will completely relax and not affect your studies.

The last point is very important, because you need to take a day off to avoid burnout. Constant study and preparation with help of service is great, but always and in everything you need to know when to stop. With the right distribution of time, the last months before the exam will be very successful.

Make preparation more enjoyable

In achieving your goals, it is very important to choose a reward system in advance. When a person knows that at the end of the work he will receive some pleasant reward, he works faster and more productively. For example, for perfectly solved tests, you can treat yourself to something tasty or buy something that you have long dreamed of.

Ways to help increase interest in training:

  • equip your workplace, divide it into zones, arrange everything conveniently;

  • get stationery that will be pleasant to write in, so you yourself will want to spend more time preparing;

  • hang tables, rules, facts necessary for memorization right in front of your eyes, the brain will focus on them and it will be easier to remember more information;

  • hang your goals in a prominent place so you can look at them and know why you are doing this.

These steps can make the preparation process much more enjoyable and get closer to the desired result. Any visualization helps to focus on important and significant things, so you need to set aside time to improve the conditions for preparing for the exam.


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