A webshop with drugstore items Phone Number Database with a relatively high conversion rate (9.28%). It does not mean that there is nothing to improve the conversion for this webshop. Webshops with a relatively Phone Number Database low conversion sell on the contrary offer furniture, clothing, sun Phone Number Database protection or expensive jewelry. A webshop with expensive jewelry with a relatively low conversion rate (0.42%). It does not mean that this webshop is heavily behind the competition and contains major conversion killers.
The amount of your conversion Phone Number Database rate depends on the market The market in which you are active influences the level of your conversion. For example, do you sell to companies or Phone Number Database consumers? Spending money from your boss's wallet is generally easier than from your own. The country in which you are active also has an impact on the level of your conversion. For example, Belgians are much less used to making online purchases than the Dutch. The differences in conversion per country are also large.
The amount of your Phone Number Database conversion rate depends on the type of visitor Your conversion rate also depends on the ratio between the type of traffic and the actual purchase. All visitors landed on webshop A via the social platform Pinterest. The visitors of webshop B have all Phone Number Database bought in this webshop before. They all ended up in the webshop via segmented email campaigns. It is logical that webshop B has a higher conversion rate. Also read: Mail with confirmation of receipt Your conversion rate depends on the visit goals of your visitors In Google Analytics, the conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of e-commerce transactions by the total number of sessions.