If there is something that is linked to the Consumer Email List culture of social networks, it is memes. These images make us feel identified and generate a feeling of closeness. This is one of the reasons why Burger King Spain has Consumer Email List made a strong commitment to them and to humor in their social platforms. Both Twitter and Instagram are focusing on conveying a light-hearted tone with funny memes that easily go viral as people share content they find funny or relate to.
For example, on Instagram they are putting Consumer Email List phrases with different backgrounds of their products like the following: "If you're ever sad, just remember that the world is 4,543.9 million years old and somehow, you Consumer Email List managed to exist at the same time as the cheese sauce." «Do not scratch yourself with love. Happiness comes from cheese, not from people." "Does a hamburger in each hand count as a balanced diet?"
"Why is it that whenever I go on a diet Consumer Email List there is someone close to me who has a birthday, is their saint, has taken out their card or celebrates when the sun has risen?" On the other hand, the company is sharing those memes that describe Consumer Email List very everyday and real situations. In one of them we can see Cinderella and the prince from her story. He is handing her a bag of a Burger King order through her carriage window.