Although Tracking & Skinning is not the most effortless skill to level up in New World, it certainly is one of the easiest. In order to get Tracking & Skinning points to level up this skill, you need to hunt animals and interact with their bodies to skin them, usually getting Raw Meat and Raw Hide from them.
New World is filled with a fairly wide variety of different fauna, ranging from the humble turkey to the fearsome bear. But the land is vast, and not all animals can be found, so where can you find the beasts you're looking for? So this article shows all the animal locations in New World; you should have no issue finding every animal in the game for your crafting needs.
An alligator can be a fearsome enemy, and they're usually pretty tough to defeat. If you're not afraid of facing down the sharp teeth of these predators, you can find alligators across multiple zones near bodies of both freshwater and saltwater. The best zones are the shores of Cutlass Keys or across the whole coast of Weaver's Fen.
The higher the level gained in Tracking & Skinning, the player will get better and more rare animals to find. One such beast in New World is the Grizzly Bear, a tough opponent that offers plenty of resources and materials if brought down. However, the major problem is that they're not as plentiful as many other animals and can only be found in a handful of spots in the world, making them fairly rare. If you're up for the challenge, you can track down these animals across Brightwood, Monarch's Bluff, or Ebonscale Reach.
Bison are large prey and can be hard to find as they don't spawn in many locations. You can find them in Monarch's Bluff, Windsward, Reekwater, Restless Shore, Mourningdale, Edengrove, and Shattered Mountain.
Boars are a type of beast in Amazon Games' New World. They have small tusks, and they will not be aggressive to you unless you initiate the combat. You can find them all over the place, but they are saturated around Edengrove and Monarch's Bluff.
Bobcats are one of the rarer species found in Aeternum, but you can come across them occasionally in the north of Cutlass Keys or the south of Ebonscale Reach.
Cows are large prey and can be difficult to find as they do not spawn in many locations. You can find them in Brightwood, Everfall, Monarch's Bluffs, Windsward, and First Light.
Elk is a rare animal to find for cooking and skinning, but mostly for those pesky town board quests in New World. Finding Elk tends to be a difficult task and leads to a lot of players dropping the Elk Town Board Quests. Elk also drops the cooking venison meat. Travel to Monarch's Bluff, all of Blightwood, or the north of Weaver's Fen to get your hands on this animal.
There are not many notable spawn locations for goats in New World; you can find them across Reekwater and throughout Great Cleave.
Lions are dangerous animals who are likely to take you out if you're not careful! If you want to hunt these kings of the animal kingdom regardless, you can find them in Edengrove, Brightwood, and the south of Cutlass Keys.
The lynx will be wandering the forest to the southeast of Everfall. It will be closer to the Shattered Obelisk, which contains some hefty enemies, the Ancients, that you want to avoid. Steer clear the Shattered Obelisk landmark, and then make your way into the forest beyond the lake. The lynx should be prowling around in the trees. It's a powerful creature.
That's right; only Ebsonscale Reach holds the semi-flightless birds. For players looking to complete a specific quest, this is the region you'll need to travel to if you want to hunt a peacock. Within Ebonscale Reach, the encounter points for peacocks are quite large. They can be found all over the region but mainly in the northeastern and south/southeastern parts.
You can find pigs across Monarch's Bluff, the center of Cutlass Keys and Weaver's Fen, where they hopefully won't be in charge of any farms.
To find more hares in New World, you should stick to outside-town settlements. For example, the forests directly outside of Windswar are home to several hares spawns that you can take advantage of. However, simply traversing the world will yield countless Hares for you to kill.
Sheep can be found in several spots in large numbers, usually around settlements where they're safe from wilder animals. Monarch's Bluff, Everfall, and Edengrove is the place to be for sheep.
There's no shortage of turkey in Aeternum, and they can be found in large numbers across multiple zones. These include Monarch's Bluff, Weaver's Fen, and all across Edengrove.
Water Fowl
Chickens of the water! Waterfowl are a fun animal that calls Reekwater their home. They're found, as you'd expect, by the water.
Wolves are by far the most common animal you'll find across the many regions that make up Aeterum. The best places to find wolves are in Everfall and Brightwood, but honestly, you can find them almost everywhere.
With this information, you should have no issues finding every animal you need in New World. If you're looking for more guides, please check out our professional guide. In addition, this is one of the best places that buy new world coins. Not only cheap but 100% safe. These coins will help you make aspirations a little more achievable.